(Google+ Post)
Ifinder Ifindi
Soul of Meditation & All Around
14 Feb 2015
About Meditation and relevant,
Entries below, can be reached via (Q & A Blog) Index ‘FORMERS’, (With lndepth reflections of needed prior firsthand knowledge about Meditation as well as an ~Enhancer of Experience~ ):
linked far below:: ( Blog Started : Dec 26, 2010 )
1. What and where you are searching?
As the ever signal there, to catch, we the towers
GOD loves and waiting to be found, by us
He has given open ways to us, to choose
Entry:Retro-20 ~ God in You-1
2. A bunch of GIFs, Moving – A flower blooming - The rhyme of the bird, in flying - A baby dancing
With a simple message - World to Change - Humanity to Bloom
To World to Change - Humanity to Bloom - To Humanity to Bloom - ? ? ? ? ?
Entry: Moving Rhyme-2 ~ Fulfilling Bliss
3. “ we learn so much knowledge and new things on reviewing questions and answers here.. it’s a guide to know what’s yoga . . .” And
Entry: Readers Review
4. For the Joy of deep dive, find and fetch the pearls by Yourself
A vacation time to fetch, the Truth Finder words, leisurely – All from one Place;
(Try only when free – Otherwise Just look)
Entry: TruthFinder WayWords
5. Happiness recollected or hoped, that sprouts -
That the Joy now, that crawls and spreads -
Happiness EVER hidden in us, waiting to be tapped
Entry: Reader’s Joy
6. To err is human – Practice makes perfect;
You know - As outer as Inner:
Entry: Leaving the Body and Meditation
7. Combination of together and holistic – Mini entity of Endless
Outer as well as Inner ? - In Quest of Truth
Entry: Why Festivals
8. Universe born, expand, shrink and merge
Gestate and reborn (child) – now in expand:
In Quest of Truth, the God – The Miracle Tree?
Entry:Retro-24 ~ Miracle Tree
9. Shower of Peace - Pacemaker natural
To the inter connected Mind and body
Entry:Retro-22 ~ Uses of Meditation
10. Predictions of Luck, may go wrong though, are more than guiding - indicating relevant ,What’s what
Are you interested to find the Lucky one intended for You?
Entry:Stopover-6 ~ Gadget, find Your lucky comment
11. *Running Tiger – Walking Bird - Diving Fox - Flying Fish
The Torah of GIFs, opening – With a simple Saying
Entry: Moving Rhyme 1 - Fulfilling Awesome
12. * Why Happy by Meditation?
13 * Why Peace & How go for?;
14. * Why Respect Ancestors? ~ (+ Child Prodigies )
15. * Google+ Collections ~ All from one Place
16. * Do it Yourself, four module step by step to Meditation; How to
17. * Epilogue - and - Keys to Meditation::
18. What is Enlightenment?
19. Why Visit Temples etc.,?
20. Differently the Same?
21. Why go Pilgrimage?
22. *Signs of Journey
23. *InStilling-Flows
24. *UnMovingly-Moving
25. *Moving-Stillness
26.Science and Philosophy - Embedded Post of Google+
27.Tribute to CERN - on Unveiling God Particle(Though not confirmed)
28.Meditation Practice Insights - Embedded Post of Google+
(We reap fruits as we seed - We cloud skies as we breath)
29. Exciting the Jump down Cliff, and after . . .
(One can carry own body, no more pull down . . .)
30. Disappearance like takes place and time appears stop in Meditation
(+ Levitation of Body)
And Many More such: - (Latest Last)
Entries can be reached via INDEX (List) ‘FORMERS’ ::
(Let the Soul Unfold, for the Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul - Meditation for Quest and Educator of Life and itself a Mentor, Rector, Guide etc All in One)
Have Your Say/Ask, Please
( #Online #Induction #Quest #Happy #Truth #Peace #Prodigy #Humanity #YourSelf #Index #Find #Collection #Science #Philosophy #Experience #Metaphysics #Serene #Life #Education #Health )
527 plus ones
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Magda Sierra's profile photo
Magda Sierra
4 Mar 2015
Tinc Dumitru's profile photo
Tinc Dumitru
good morning! Infinder Infindi
6 Mar 2015
Diana Vanhoutte's profile photo
Diana Vanhoutte
Have a Wonderful day my dear friend+finder i findi
17 Jun 2015
Sapa Holliday's profile photo
Sapa Holliday
I had an MRI today 2 years after I was knocked down. Yoga is how I've kept going but also why it took so long to convince them to scan me. Deep meditation through the scan, total relaxation, didn't move a muscle except to breathe so they'll have good images, all good, love yoga, love life
25 Sep 2015
Laurá Victoria Hernandez Vega's profile photo
Laurá Victoria Hernandez Vega
Saludos desde México y bendiciones
2 Nov 2015
Ifinder Ifindi's profile photo
Ifinder Ifindi
Healing Energy: Missed G+ post with a comment there:: https://plus.google.com/u/0/114025756997654559499/posts/dNJeKhLg3sc
6 Dec 2015
Sapa Holliday's profile photo
Sapa Holliday
went back to work this week, MRI showed back has been broken. Gentle yoga stretches and comfrey oil rubs now for me, told doctor where to put his anti depressants cos I aint gona take that shit.
8 Dec 2015
Ifinder Ifindi's profile photo
Ifinder Ifindi
Note::Two days back started rapidly going down of + count on this pinned post from around 200+, along with "G+s" on relevant Bog Post
Posted the glitch at "G+ Help community" for feedback:: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+IfinderIfindi/posts/Qju6e5MZyLD
Hope Google+ fix
Interesting, there was a question "What is the procedure to visit Home of yourself?" (seems later deleted)
For which it was replied
"Is it about this Home you mentioned?
We are all away from home wandering around the home, having lost the way to home, until we find the Gate to enter, which always open inviting us to enter . . . . . (to be continued)
Can you please post the question at:: https://plus.google.com/+IfinderIfindi/posts/ix8qf5SoEn4
Please let the answer be there for ready ref and you may be interested to go through also"
21 Dec 2015
Ifinder Ifindi's profile photo
Ifinder Ifindi
+s Restored today. Thanks to Google+, listening, Feedback
22 Jan 2016
Ifinder Ifindi's profile photo
Ifinder Ifindi
Now seems gone all +s along with comments in 'Collections' of 'G+ Classic'. To view Collections in 'G+ Update' version for correct position.
Regret and given Feedback- Hope restored
(OK at Profile Posts)
1 Feb 2016
Ifinder Ifindi's profile photo
Ifinder Ifindi
The above mentioned +s and comments Restored
Thank You, +Google+, Listening
29 Feb 2016
Budsaba Kumnanee's profile photo
Budsaba Kumnanee
4 Feb 2016
Stefano Pierini's profile photo
Stefano Pierini
17 Apr 2016
Ifinder Ifindi's profile photo
Ifinder Ifindi
@stefano - As You like
+Stefano Pierini
Translation requested, Please (Only symbols visible)
It's said by You, at other place "The symbols are an "OK" to show that it is an interesting video"
18 Apr 2016
Sapa Holliday's profile photo
Sapa Holliday
+Ifinder Ifindi
i like the way that sometimes when I am trapped in many worries and thoughts are scrambling about, there will be something, all kinds of different things, like a bird that flies past, or suddenly seeing or hearing something from the wild world, it clears my mind and I am in that pure state at least for that moment.
18 Apr 2016
Polly-jaiyne O'Marlley (moderator)'s profile photo
Polly-jaiyne O'Marlley (moderator)
29 Jun 2017
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