(UPDATE - This Blog, left long back, now Under Renovation; Google+ gone shutdown on 02 Apr 2019) Latest NOTE https://ifindi.blogspot.com/p/just-hello.html?m=1 » » » » »
Meditation (Yoga) make You Explore and understand the Mysteries of Creation and What Are We !?!
Try,This Blog, may look a Maze or Epigraphic, make You go through Meditation (Yoga), both in Theory & Practice
Showing posts with label Index. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Index. Show all posts

Oct 25, 2018

To bring Meditation nearest to All

(Google+ Post)

Ifinder Ifindi
Soul of Meditation & All Around
14 Feb 2015

About Meditation and relevant,
Entries below, can be reached via (Q & A Blog) Index ‘FORMERS’, (With lndepth reflections of needed prior firsthand knowledge about Meditation as well as an ~Enhancer of Experience~ ):
linked far below:: ( Blog Started : Dec 26, 2010 )

1. What and where you are searching?
As the ever signal there, to catch, we the towers
GOD loves and waiting to be found, by us
He has given open ways to us, to choose
Entry:Retro-20 ~ God in You-1

2. A bunch of GIFs, Moving – A flower blooming - The rhyme of the bird, in flying - A baby dancing
With a simple message - World to Change - Humanity to Bloom
To World to Change - Humanity to Bloom - To Humanity to Bloom - ? ? ? ? ?
Entry: Moving Rhyme-2 ~ Fulfilling Bliss

3. “ we learn so much knowledge and new things on reviewing questions and answers here.. it’s a guide to know what’s yoga . . .” And
Entry: Readers Review

4. For the Joy of deep dive, find and fetch the pearls by Yourself
A vacation time to fetch, the Truth Finder words, leisurely – All from one Place;
(Try only when free – Otherwise Just look)
Entry: TruthFinder WayWords

5. Happiness recollected or hoped, that sprouts -
That the Joy now, that crawls and spreads -
Happiness EVER hidden in us, waiting to be tapped
Entry: Reader’s Joy

6. To err is human – Practice makes perfect;
You know - As outer as Inner:
Entry: Leaving the Body and Meditation

7. Combination of together and holistic – Mini entity of Endless
Outer as well as Inner ? - In Quest of Truth
Entry: Why Festivals

8. Universe born, expand, shrink and merge
Gestate and reborn (child) – now in expand:
In Quest of Truth, the God – The Miracle Tree?
Entry:Retro-24 ~ Miracle Tree

9. Shower of Peace - Pacemaker natural
To the inter connected Mind and body
Entry:Retro-22 ~ Uses of Meditation

10. Predictions of Luck, may go wrong though, are more than guiding - indicating relevant ,What’s what
Are you interested to find the Lucky one intended for You?
Entry:Stopover-6 ~ Gadget, find Your lucky comment

11. *Running Tiger – Walking Bird - Diving Fox - Flying Fish
The Torah of GIFs, opening – With a simple Saying
Entry: Moving Rhyme 1 - Fulfilling Awesome


12. * Why Happy by Meditation?
13 * Why Peace & How go for?;
14. * Why Respect Ancestors? ~ (+ Child Prodigies )

15. * Google+ Collections ~ All from one Place
16. * Do it Yourself, four module step by step to Meditation; How to
17. * Epilogue - and - Keys to Meditation::
18. What is Enlightenment?
19. Why Visit Temples etc.,?
20. Differently the Same?
21. Why go Pilgrimage?
22. *Signs of Journey
23. *InStilling-Flows
24. *UnMovingly-Moving
25. *Moving-Stillness

26.Science and Philosophy - Embedded Post of Google+
27.Tribute to CERN - on Unveiling God Particle(Though not confirmed)
28.Meditation Practice Insights - Embedded Post of Google+
(We reap fruits as we seed - We cloud skies as we breath)
29. Exciting the Jump down Cliff, and after . . .
(One can carry own body, no more pull down . . .)
30. Disappearance like takes place and time appears stop in Meditation
(+ Levitation of Body)

And Many More such: - (Latest Last)
Entries can be reached via INDEX (List) ‘FORMERS’ ::


(Let the Soul Unfold, for the Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul - Meditation for Quest and Educator of Life and itself a Mentor, Rector, Guide etc All in One)
Have Your Say/Ask, Please
( #Online #Induction #Quest #Happy #Truth #Peace #Prodigy #Humanity #YourSelf #Index #Find #Collection #Science #Philosophy #Experience #Metaphysics #Serene #Life #Education #Health )
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Jan 26, 2011


INDEX of some Entries in Comments of Mono-Static Post 'GOD in YOU' above: A Q&A Blog.
Uses of Meditation in daily Life; Cosmic Rays; Enlightenment 1; Philosophy; Levitate by Meditation; Joyness Crawls; Why happy by Meditation; Shadow disappears; Some thing Broken; Miracles; What you did prior; Sages appear in meditation; RocksMelt; New leaves to dead log; What for you Blog; Miracle Tree; Best Epic; Jump Down Cliff;  Top Humor; Going after Mirage; Top Fun; Effect of Truth; Differently same; Enlightenment 2; Far vs Near; Float vs Sink

(Comment  Page 2)
Talk God; After Enlightenment; What for this Blog?; Why Different model;

(Deco comments Start);
Why go Temples; Pilgrims; Rosaries; Concentration; Art; Religion 1; Religion 2; Lighted Path; Difficulties; Time ; Festivals; God in You 1; Idol Worship; Prayer Bells; Charity giving; Righteousness; Effect of Deeds ;

(Pictures + start);
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